Are You Weary and Burdened?

Weary and Burdened
My Bible reading this morning was Matthew 11:28-30. I have this verse (mostly) memorized and have read it hundreds of times. Today God told me to dissect it. This is an example of how God’s Word is Living and Active (see Hebrews 4:12): God can use the same verse to speak to you in many ways with different messages.
Since today is the day after Christmas, some of us may be feeling Weary and Burdened. All of the presents are opened and dinner is finished - all that is left is the mess and leftovers.  Family and friends have left or will be leaving soon. We have to go back to work and put the decorations away - Not as fun as putting them up! I will be packing up a van-load of stuff and leaving this beautiful lake-side retreat to drive home to Memphis: weary and burdensome. So God gave me this message this morning.
Matthew 11: 28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened
Weary - whether physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. Tired, exhausted, worn-out, drained, weak, frazzled, spent, kaput, outta gas. Burdened with the Worries of Life: relationships, job, money, health, family, politics, the state of the world, life’s purpose, anything at all.
And I will give you rest. 
God’s Peace, freedom from worry, the feeling of no longer having to solve my problems, my families problems, the problems of the world. Calm. Do you yearn for Peace and Calm?
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
A yoke joins two animals, usually oxen, as they work. They share the load. They are able to do more than one animal alone. God is inviting us to allow Him to share our load in life. Two animals yoked together have to go the same direction. God will allow you and me to take the lead. When we take the lead we sometimes wind up in places we would rather not be. It is here that God invites us to learn from Him. He will gently tug on our shared yoke to lead us back to where He want us to be. He will teach us what to do in any situation. 
For I am gentle and humble in heart,
This is God’s description of Himself: Gentle and Humble.  How do you view God’s character? Are you surprised to hear Him describe Himself as humble and gentle? Our culture sometimes views God as harsh and demanding, waiting for us to make a mistake so He can judge and punish us. That view of God is just wrong and uninformed of His true character. God wants us to enjoy life on this planet that He made for us. And He knows the Best way to do it! That’s why He gave us the Bible - to show us how to live. Another Wrong and Uninformed view of God is to look at the Old Testament and think that is His character. Events in the Old Testament were recorded to show the contrast between that way of life and the way of life with Jesus. He is humble and gentle. Kind of like that shy person you know who is not quick to join in the group. He waits to be invited. And once you get to know him, you really enjoy his company!
And you will find rest for your souls.
Rest for my soul is an amazing thing! He taught me that I don’t have to worry about my daughter with moyamoya disease. He is looking after my son and daughter in law who live so far away. Anything worry-worthy that creeps into my mind, I know that God has it covered! It is Incredible Freedom! And God wants to give that freedom to you, too!
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
I believe that when God is sharing my load as we are yoked together, He is doing Way more than half the work! That makes my portion Easy and Light. Don’t misunderstand - you and I must still go through the troubles of this life - but with God by my side, I trust and believe that He is in control. He loves you and me and all people in the world and wants what is best for us. 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Praying God’s Blessings for you.


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